Monday, 13 January 2014


2014's here alright and here's a post from a guest blogger. 

He's Mutuma Murerwa, we really go way back, as far as learning how to construct complete sentences in English, basics of grammar and the works! :)

This is the picture of a willow tree. Like the one in the poem. I saw one dried and dying, the owner of the farm told me that he had planted that tree with his father in 1967 when he was just 7 years old. It was an inspiration just wondering what she (the tree) had seen all of the years that had passed by.

Here goes...

She had seen it all.

The great bonds that turned repulsive.
The once virgin land that now lay bere*.
The revolutions that shaped destines and ideologies.

She had seen it all.

Children grow into fathers and old wise men into dust.
Tears shed and ravishment enjoyed.
She stood still. Strong as ever for
She had seen it all.

Great and small her world was but never without wonder.
Green fields and white cold plunged her land.
Giving and taking was all the same for her.

She had seen it all

As the end drew by her once beauty-full colour lost.
A life given and taken in her years.
For she had seen it all

To give rise to new for hers was adrift.
The lost voice she never had.
The great dim bright ahead.
The great willow had seen it all.

Tush murerwa.

*bere-a kind of barley used in Scottish farm lands

(Thanks M.M !! A great start to the year!)

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